Organization Overview
Tajizuri is a charitable organization working to respond to education, health, and the wellbeing of community members through innovative human-centred programmes. These programs are designed to scale up education for children in the hard-to-reach rural parts of Kenya, empower caregivers and teachers with both life skills and economic know-how to propel health, education and wellbeing at the household level. Our model is holistic and brings together the learner, the teacher, and the parent into the Education, Health, and Wellbeing conversation to promote behaviour change as well as influence change in attitude and mindset.
We are a vehicle working to Empower, Motivate, and Inspire communities.

Who We Are
Tajizuri is a non-profit organisation working in rural parts of Kenya to promote enablers for education, support sustainable development and resilience by inspiring a growth mindset, motivating behaviour change and empowering community members i.e teacher, caregivers and school going students to:
- Tap into their potential
- Eliminate barriers to education
- Reimagine learning and re-engage learner, teacher, and caregiver, so as to; improve learner retention in school and catalyze sustainable economic growth
The Problem
Africa is facing high school dropouts and low retention
Lack of quality education and a conducive ecosystem, therefore, paralyses the potential of a society and a nation to thrive or prosper!
The Free Primary Education programme in Kenya was intended to end the despair of dropping out of school for lack of fees. However, thousands of children still abandon schooling early owing to a myriad of numerous barriers to education.

Our Pillars
We pride ourselves in the following key pillars of our work:
We strongly believe and build our philosophy on the fact that: Affordable quality education is key to poverty eradication.
We invest in capacity building community members on nutrition-sensitive and nutrition-specific activities that improve life, living standards and provide longterm solutions.
Teamwork is core to our work. We therefore embody the teamwork spirit by engaging the communities we serve for a collective effort.
Our Support Partners
We are proud to have collaborated with EPR Global and are grateful for the support they gave.
The EPR Pitch Competition has been a blessing and a game-changer for Tajizuri.
This is because we have been able to get Tajizuri officially registered and established this website.
Finally, our programmatic scope has also increased from a previous total reach of 3 schools to 8 schools in rural parts of Kenya
Interventions include: Mental and menstrual health campaigns, Books and desks donations just to mention a few.
Impact Numbers
What Our Partners Say
We take great pride in our work and are honoured when the voices of our partners echo the effort and energy we invest.

Petronila Nguono
TajiZuri is a force to reckon with in community empowerment. Addressing prevalent issues in society ranging from child nutrition, mental wellness, child protection in a professional, structured, organized and relatable way. We are honoured to have worked with such an experienced organization and look forward to the benefit from their knowledge in our upcoming projects.

Abdulkarim Taraja
TajiZuri as a name offers inspiration in building excellence. The organization creates an impact through interventions that help address issues affecting education in rural and marginalzed areas.
We at Elgon Centre for Education learn a lot from TajiZuri with regard to a holistic approach to supporting education and look forward to strengthening our partnership for goals in advancing education.

Naftaly Muroki
I love the work that TajiZuri is doing. Their approach to education by offering wrap-around support to learners – from mentorship, caregiver engagement, to life skills training for learners, teachers, and caregivers – is quite unique and effective in helping young people from rural and marginalized communities in Kenya access affordable quality and equitable education.
Video Testimonials
We take great pride in our work and are honoured when the voices of our partners echo the effort and energy we invest.